Setting up the environment#

1. Folder structure#

First, we will have a look at the folder structure we will use during the workshop. For any project, it is important to organise your various files into subfolders. Through the course you will be navigating between folders to run your analyses. It may seem confusing or tedious at first, especially as there are only a few files we will be dealing with during this workshop. However, remember that for many projects you can easily generate hundreds of files, so it is best to start with good practices from the beginning.

We will be using the following folder structure for this experiment:

└── sequenceData
    ├── 0-metadata   
    ├── 1-scripts      
    ├── 2-raw    
    ├── 3-fastqc
    ├── 4-demux
    ├── 5-filter
    ├── 6-quality
    ├── 7-refdb
    └── 8-final

To set up this folder structure, let us navigate to the starting directory of this workshop. We can do this using the cd command, which stands for change directory.


The code below assumes you are in the home folder on the HKU supercomputer. Make sure to alter the path that specifies the location of the starting folder on your system if this is not your starting point.

cd ednaw01/

It is always a good idea to check if the code executed as expected. In this case, we can verify we are in the correct working directory by using the pwd command, which stands for print working directory.


We can also list all the documents and subfolders in our working directory using the ls command. Additionally, we will specify the -ltr parameters to the ls command. The l parameter is providing a list with long format that includes the permissions, which will come in handy when we are creating our scripts (more on that later). The t parameter is sorting the output by time and date, while the r parameter is printing the list in reverse order, i.e, the newest files will be printed as the latest in the list.

ls -ltr

The output of the ls command provides us with a list of the documents in our starting folder, which are the documents we need to complete the tutorial. More on this in the next section.

Before we go more in detail about the starting files, let us first set up the abovementioned folder structure. Within the command line interface (CLI), we can use the mkdir command to set up all the folders and subfolders in one go. Additionally, we will use the -p parameter to automatically make any necessary parent directories that might not yet exist.

mkdir -p sequenceData/0-metadata sequenceData/1-scripts sequenceData/2-raw sequenceData/3-fastqc sequenceData/4-demux sequenceData/5-filter sequenceData/6-quality sequenceData/7-refdb sequenceData/8-final

When we now use the ls -ltr command again, we see that the directory sequenceData has been added to the output list.

ls -ltr

Note that the sequenceData directory has appeared last in the printed list due to the r parameter we passed to the ls command, as it was the most recently created. When we’ll be going through our bioinformatic pipeline and create multiple files at various stages, the r parameter will make it easy to see which files were recently created, as they will appear at the bottom and will avoid us having to scroll through the list of files.

Also note the d at the beginning of the line of sequenceData. These are the permissions that the l parameter that we passed to the ls command has given us access to. Several other letters are shown for sequenceData and other files as well. Below is a list of what they mean:

  1. d: directory - indicate that this is in fact a folder or directory, rather than a file.

  2. r: read - specifies that we have access to read the file.

  3. w: write - specifies that we can write to the file.

  4. x: execute - specifies that we have permission to execute the file.

  5. @: extended - a novel symbol for MacOS indicating that the file has extended attributes (MacOS specific).

2. Starting files#

For the bioinformatic and statistical analysis, we need several starting files, including a zipped file containing all the sequencing data (, a sample metadata file for the statistical analysis (metadata-COI-selected-updated.txt), our reference database for the taxonomy assignment (newDBcrabsCOIintax.fasta), a template script file where we will paste our code to run on the supercomputer (, and a script file that automatically loads all the necessary software on the supercomputer. The last two files are only necessary when working on the HKU supercomputer.

Starting files


  2. metadata-COI-selected-updated.txt

  3. newDBcrabsCOIsintax.fasta


  5. module_load

With the folder structure set up, let’s move the starting files to their respective subfolders using the cp command.

cp sequenceData/2-raw
cp metadata-COI-selected-updated.txt sequenceData/0-metadata
cp newDBcrabsCOIsintax.fasta sequenceData/7-refdb
cp sequenceData/1-scripts
cp module_load sequenceData/1-scripts

Again, we can check if the command executed as expected by listing the files within the subfolder 2-raw using the ls -ltr command. Note that we do not need to first use the cd command to move to the directory for which we would like to list all of the files, but that we can specify which directory we would like to list by referring to it after the ls -ltr command.

ls -ltr sequenceData/2-raw

Exercise 1

Moving files around using the Terminal can also be accomplished through the mv command. What is the difference between mv and cp? Why is it better to use cp?

Now that we have everything set up, we can get started with the bioinformatic processing of our data!